Wednesday 18 June 2014

Canoe England

Since we were inducted into the UKCC scheme by BCU, before it was devolved to become Canoe England, we have been dictated to by an autocratic monster in which the members no longer have a say in what we can achieve if we're not one of Nottingham's special friends.

In my, and a lot of fellow coaches I've spoken to, opinion it's going down the select few commercial providers route. What's my problem with that? Paddlesport will become a sport only of those who can afford it/

As a coach the problem that we will all face is an imposed glass ceiling which, as I mentioned, only Nottingham's special friends can get through

So what are the options we have available?

  • Accept the dictatorship of CE
  • Have a members vote of no confidence in CE
  • Create a new association which is accessible to EVERYONE
My personal vision is the third choice- This wouldn't be to create an association which would give anyone who joins L5 in return for joining! It would set it's own standard, these would maintain the highest levels of coaching and paddling. It would be accessible to everyone, no glass ceilings

The hard part- it's not something I'm going to do on my own

I want to know what other coaches & paddlers want. 

Get in touch, I don't care if it's yes, no or not sure, unlike CE I'm prepared to listen and will act on the mass vote


At 21 June 2014 at 03:05 , Blogger Unknown said...

I'm a outdoor professional who has worked in the industry for 20 years.
I find the Bcu/CE attitude a disgrace.
It is however not only a canoe problem, British Cycling is also heading down the same path.
To this extent I have learned my lesson and have jumped early.
I have have joined the MBUK scheme run by Chip Rafferty.
If your considering setting up a stand alone scheme Chip would be the man to talk to. would be the easyest way to contact him.
Good luck. Joe

At 21 June 2014 at 03:37 , Blogger Tom said...

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At 21 June 2014 at 03:41 , Blogger Tom said...

Joe, many thanks, I'm going to look into that! (and tell Raigmore Hospital to take me on with a super long contract too!)


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